Thursday, December 11, 2014

12-11-14 Tuesday's workout was killer. I wanted to throw up for sure. I grunted. A lot. Tuesday's workout tortured my body, my whole body. Body torture is not a bad things. In fact, the last time I stepped on a scale I was 4 pounds down. That's 186lb for team Sam. I don't care as much about the 4lbs as I do about how my uniform fits. While it is still a bit tight and still a bit uncomfortable, I notice the difference in mobility and the fact that you can't see as much of my pocked lining....

I refuse to get bigger pants. I just have to shrink more.

Today's workout was equally brutal. I thought, mistakenly, that Thursdays were an easier workout because they are 'open gym' days. I were wrong. Yes, were.

I grunted today. I think I may have farted while I was squatting. To my fellow gym partners... sorry. Broccoli, ya know?

I'm sore all over, but at least I can rest for a bit before the next round of torture.

- Super Sam

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12-2-14 Where has the time gone! With Thanksgiving and working overtime... let's just say I fell off the wagon for about a week. In fairness, I did not gorge myself on holiday delights. I am still watching the sugar intake and trying to stay with whole and healthy foods... as best as I can.

Stupid leftover deliciousness...

Turkey sandwich... with cheddar... with cranberry sauce... with alfalfa sprouts to you can pretend it has some redeeming nutritional value... mmmmmmm.....

Anyhow, today was my first crossfit workout in about a week. I did complete a Tabata workout and 30 minutes of cycling during my week long hiatus.

I learned some things today, as I learn every time that I complete a crossfit workout. Today I learned that while I suck at jumping rope, I still like doing it. I learned that jumping pull-ups are not easier than regular pull-ups. I learned that my max overhead press is 75lbs.. I learned that rowing still causes blisters, even if it is only for one minute. I learned that I cannot do over-heard bar bell presses out of cadence with my breathing.

And strangely enough, after recovering from this hour of fun (less sarcastic than day one), I feel the add need to go running. I can't go running, not right now. It is 22:31 and about 35 degrees outside. Neither of those things bother me. Running in the dark in traffic does bother me. I will have to find a solution for such dilemmas.

-Super Sam